Montag, 27. April 2015

Food for healthy nails

Food for amazing nails

Dry, damaged nails that easily break and flake can be signs of nutritional deficiencies, so make sure you're supporting healthy nail growth with the right diet. Add these beauty foods in – from eggs to spirulina – to transform your fingertips inside-out.
Coconut oil

Cold-pressed coconut oil is packed with good fats which replenish and hydrate the nails and cuticles. Plus as key vitamins such as a, d, e, and k are fat soluble, the fats help the body to properly absorb nutrients from other foods to better nourish nails from your diet.


Protein is essential for nail growth as our nails are made of keratin, a protein made by cells. Quinoa is a complete source of protein, perfect for non meat or dairy eaters. It also contains more calcium than milk as well as hydrating essential fatty acids and nail growth-promoting vitamin e and b vitamins.


Spirulina, a blue-green algae sold as a supplement, is 60-70% protein making it the food highest in protein per ounce, and like the similar superfood chlorella, it's a very absorbable and easily digestible form of protein. It also packs iron, chlorophyll and omega 3 and 6 making it not only super for nail health but for hair and skin too. Add it to your smoothies sharpish.

Hemp seeds

Hemp seeds are rich in protein and amino acids which are the building blocks of protein. They also contain those key b vitamins, vitamin e and hydrating healthy fats. Sprinkle them on your salads, blend them in your smoothies or drizzle cold hemp seed oil on any meal!
Wheatgrass and barleygrass

Juiced fresh or powdered, these nutrient-dense superfoods are 47% protein and also boast amino acids (those building blocks again!), plenty of calcium, iron, zinc, potassium and magnesium. If you can't stomach a daily shot take them as supplements or mix some with green juices.


Eggs contain biotin, or vitamin b7, which helps nails to grow stronger and smoother. They also contain vitamin d to support calcium absorption and are another complete protein source.

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are the number one nut for selenium, a mineral that fuels protein enzymes and prevents cell damage to help support healthy nails. You don't need much – one Brazil nut delivers your daily dose, as well as zinc, vitamin e and b vitamins!

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