Samstag, 14. März 2015

Food that optimizes your libido

Food for your libido

Turn up the heat in the bedroom with these foods proven to boost libido.


"Mother Nature's prescription for a healthy sex life includes high-fat animal foods, such as whole milk, cream, and butter," says Kaayla T. Daniel, nutritionist and author of The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of our Health Food

We require plenty of fats, but the natural, saturated kind (not the trans fats in margarine and grease) in order to produce sex hormones.


You've heard what they say about oysters—and as it turns out, the urban legend is true. The seafood delicacy has earned its reputation as an aphrodisiac thanks to its high levels of zinc, a nutrient which helps produce sperm and increases libido. 

Asparagus and other veggies

The health nuts are on to something. As if veggies couldn't get any better for you, Genie James, author of In the Mood Again, recommends natural hormone-balancing foods like asparagus to help boost your sex drive.


It may be hard to find someone who enjoys eating liver, but it can make you a better lover, so why not try it? The reason: Liver is loaded with zinc, which is necessary to maintain optimum levels of testosterone. "Inadequate zinc levels prevent the pituitary gland from releasing hormones that stimulate testosterone production," James explains. "Zinc also inhibits the aromatase enzyme that converts testosterone into excess estrogen."

Red Wine

After surveying 800 women between the ages of 18 and 50, researchers at the University of Florence found that women who drank two glasses of red wine a day had a higher libido than those who preferred other alcoholic drinks or were teetotalers. Drinking pinot noir, cabernet, and other reds helps decrease inhibition—just don't go too crazy, as too much alcohol can serve as a sedative.


We knew we loved the incredible, edible egg for a reason! Not only are eggs an ancient symbol of fertility, they're also high in vitamins B5 and B6, which help balance hormone levels and fight stress.


And of course, caviar is a type of egg too! It contains the same B5 and B6 vitamins that chicken eggs have, which balance hormone levels.


Penis jokes aside, bananas really do help you get in the mood. They're loaded with potassium, magnesium, B vitamins and the bromeliad enzyme—ingredients that enhance the male libido


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